My November (2023) in Nails

Hey, y’all!! It’s been a hot minute and a half (or a month … ) since I bopped into the blog. It seems this is becoming my “go-to” opening refrain for posts. I think, like most of us, I have the best of intentions for keeping up with regular posts in here. It should be easy, right? I love nail polish. I love writing. I love writing about nail polish. But, when I tell myself, “Self, we are going to do X number of posts a week,” something happens. My Self (who has ADHD), suddenly decides: “Wait a minute, y’all. Do we really love doing this? Because now, we’ve made this into work, and we know work is not fun. Like, we live that truth every day.” And then, my Self heads off to do some infinite side quest in life and merrily forgets all about blogging and nail polish. It’s … a struggle.

Most recently, my life side quest has, at least, been something halfway productive. I’ve been writing fiction again, which feels so great after (literally) years of creative doldrums. I’ve been putting all of my very limited free time into that project. It’s just a fan fiction at the moment, for a very old show that is a guilty obsession of mine right now. But, I am hoping that fan fiction will, once more, turn into original fiction. It’s a step in the right direction for me, anyhow. Work, as always, remains incredibly busy and taxing, but … that’s boring. And y’all don’t want to hear about boring.

Anyhow, enough about me. Let’s talk about nails! (Which, really, is still talking about me, but let’s ignore that for now.) I am not-so-rapidly closing in on posting the remainder of my 2023 Month in Nails posts. For this post, I have November’s to share with you. Aaaah, November – a month of crisp, cool weather, crunchy leaves, and pumpkin-flavored everything. I don’t remember you well, thanks to too much work stress, too much life stress, and ADHD. But, you had some good nail polishes. Let’s take a look!

First up was Vapid Lacquer, Jar of Flies. Y’all … this pretty ugly baby had me at “hello”. Seriously. This is right up my alley, and I adore everything about it, from the name all the way to how it combines a “prugly” sort of base color with the shiftiest of flakes for a beautiful look that reminds me of “tornado sky sunset”, which is something much nicer to see on your nails than in real life.

Next up was Night Owl Lacquer, You Had Me at Plaid. I know plaid and flannel are both a “thing” for Fall. I am not a fan of plaid – never have been. If plaid looked like this, though, I would be all in for it all the time. This polish is just magical. It’s such a pretty and lively shade of red, and the flakes make all the gorgeous color shifts on every nail. I couldn’t get enough of this one when I wore it. So pretty!

My next manicure was with Orly, Snow Angel. I always think of a light, light blue with a name like this. And, I guess this one is something of a light, light blue. But this has a lot of gray in it. On me, I think it looks more like a slightly blue-toned gray. At any rate, I thought this polish was super pretty. I enjoyed wearing it. I wore it alone, but it would make a great base for nail art. I tend to gravitate toward these types of colors, so I have a ton of them in my stash already. I’m not sure if I will keep this one or not.

Next, we have Night Owl Lacquer, Starry Night. This polish is so perfect and so perfectly named. It truly does look like a “starry night” on every nail. This is a fairly simple polish, but I love the visual impact. These types of super dark and moody blues are right up my alley, and this gal always loves the sparkle and shine from all those little glitters. She is such a pretty baby!

Next up is Night Owl Lacquer, Forever Fall. As I was posting this photo, I actually said out loud, “Oooooh! I remember this one!” And I think that tells you everything you need to know about this polish and this manicure. I can’t even with this. It’s so shifty and so moody and so shimmery and so unexpectedly magical in every type of light. I kind of want to wear this one again. Like, I won’t let myself because I’m embarrassed at how huge my “need to wear it” stash is. But I want to.

My next manicure was with Colores de Carol, Candy Queen. This was one of the Cuteween polishes. That entire collection was “all of that and a bag of chips” for me. Every single polish in that collection was so well put together and incredibly cute. This one was no exception. I love the mix of colors, glitter sizes, and shapes

My next nails were with Colores de Carol, Golden Sky. Y’all know Mama loves a really nice yellow polish. And a really nice gold polish. And this one is both of those things rolled into one super reflective, glittery package. It’s such a fun and wearable tone of yellow.

My next manicure was Colores de Carol, Midnight Kiss. This polish has a lot of elements that I love. It’s a gorgeously deep black base color, and there is a nice mix of golds and blues from the glitters. Even so, I didn’t love wearing this one. I’m not sure why; I just remember feeling kind of meh about it. Unfortunately, that means this one went into my destash pile, but it will be a fabulous polish for someone else.

My last November manicure was with Night Owl Lacquer, Spore-geous. Oh. My. Good, googley GOSH! Y’all. This polish is so, so, so, sooooo freaking GOOD. Mama loves a nice brown, and this one is oh-so-very nice. It has a perfect, almost glowing brown base color, and the golds from the glitters set it off in a beautiful way.


That’s the beginning and the end of November for me, y’all. Like I said, that month is just a blur in my mind at this point. But at least I have the memory of these polishes captured in photos. It was fun taking a little trip down that winding lane through looking back at all my November manicures. I guess it was a pretty good month, overall – at least in terms of what was on my nails!

What about all of you? I would love to hear all about what you were wearing and loving on your nails last November. Tell me all about it!

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