
Do you know what’s funny? I have had this blog up since November 2016 (What?? That’s madness!!), and I only just realized (today: May 27, 2023) that I never posted anything on the “About” page. So, yeah. I was today days old when I discovered this.

I suppose that gives you a pretty good peek into “me”. I’m kind of a mess — ha, ha. I think I am on the older side of the “polish junkie” life. I was really into polish in my younger years (my teens and all through my twenties), but I didn’t collect with the fervor I have now. For one thing, the ease of internet shopping didn’t exist back then. I’m also pretty sure indie nail polish brands were not a thing at that time. I fell out of the polish game for a long time through most of my thirties and up to my mid-forties. I had a child, and I started to struggle hard with depression and a host of other things in my life.

Somewhere around my mid-forties, I found my way back to nail polish. I had this dim recollection that it had been a happy place for me in the past, and it felt like an easy way to practice self care at a time in my life when I really hated myself. I started back with my favorite mainstream brand at the time (OPI), and then branched into what were, for me, newer mainstream discoveries (China Glaze and Zoya). About a year into this new journey, I discovered indie nail polish through the brand Colores de Carol, and my roller coaster ride down the nail polish rabbit hole began in earnest. My stash has continued to grow, this blog happened, and both are big “happy places” for me. I am actually not sure if blogs are still a “thing”, but I love to write. My current job doesn’t leave me the time or energy to write for fun any longer, so this blog is also a huge creative outlet for me. And, I guess … that’s kind of my story — for now. The journey, as always, continues!

Some Links:

My “Life & Things” Blog: Pish’s Blog of Loveliness. This is where all of my non-nail polish stuff ends up. Sadly, it is updated only sporadically right now.

Zoya Rewards Code: This is an affiliate link that you can click (if you want) to go to the Zoya site to set up your own account to earn rewards. I will receive points in my account when your first order is shipped. There is NO PRESSURE for you to use this link. But it is here if you want to.