Topic Tuesday! The Colors You Have the Most of in Your Collection + Top Three From Each

I have a rather long post title for Topic Tuesday today. I was trying to figure out a shorter or easier way of saying it, but I failed. Utterly. Ah well. We can still talk about beautiful polish, so all is well in the universe.

As the title suggests, today’s topic is …



After scrounging around for a couple of days in my storage drawers, I found I have the most blues and purples in my stash. I don’t know what my third biggest color would be, because I got tired of counting. Very lazy of me, I know. But what can I say? I wanted to be putting polish on my nails, not counting bottles!


I bet it comes as no surprise that the color blue dominates my nail polish stash. And by “dominate”, I mean Dominate, with a capital “D”! I knew, going into this topic, I would have more blue polishes than anything else. Blue is my favorite color. I want blue in every aspect of my life. My hair is blue. One of our cars is blue. The walls in my office, bedroom, and kitchen are blue. My favorite clothes are blue. So, of course, my favorite color to wear on my nails is also blue. It’s a no brainer, right? Right!

But, even knowing I would have more blues than anything else, I was still surprised when I counted them up and realized exactly how many blues I have in my stash. I counted across brands, of course — both indies and mainstream. I have 209 blues! I don’t know if I should be ashamed of this or happily surprised. But I’ve decided to be happily surprised. Because … I love blue!!

It is hard for me to pick a top three from my blue polishes. If it was a top two, that would be easier, because there are two polishes that always come to mind as favorite blues. But that third spot was a little difficult for me because there are so many blues I love.


Pretty Serious, My Immortal ended up rounding out my top three for the blues. Not that I think of it as being in “third place” or anything like that. But I felt a little strange including this one as a top three favorite because it is fairly new to my stash. But really, this one needs to be on my top 3 list. I was hard-core OBSESSED with this polish when I first got it. I think I wore it two or three times in a row, which is nearly unheard of for me. I didn’t want to take it off. I bought a back-up right after I wore it the first time. I love the striking blue, the almost-jelly look of it, and that bright turquoise flash of shimmer. I think it’s a perfect combination, and it’s a polish that is right up my alley. This is one of those polishes I would happily bathe in — you know, if that wasn’t all chemical-filled and dangerous.


I’m sure it’s no surprise to find Colores de Carol, Demeter on my top 3 list. I have yakked and yakked and yakked over this polish many times here on the blog. It is sentimental to me because it helped me through a really sad and difficult time in my life. It is special to me because it is so perfect and fabulous on my nails. It’s hard for me to explain, but I feel all butterflies-in-the-stomach happy when I see this polish on my nails. The tone of blue, the glitter, the perfect formula. I love, love, love it. The only thing I don’t love about it is that I don’t have a back-up bottle for this one. I so wish it would come back one day.


So … Everyone knows what the final blue on this list is going to be, right? Yep! Say it with me: China Glaze, Up All Night. No big surprises here, because I am still crazy in love with this polish. I love how dark and moody it can be. I love how it looks slightly velvety on my nails. I love everything about this polish.


The second-highest color in my stash is purple. But this color family comes in a distant second to my blues. After counting across brands, including mainstream and indie polishes, I found I have 91 purples. It surprised me a little bit that I had that many bottles of purple polish. I feel like purple isn’t a color I wear all that often. But then, if I sit and think about it, the only color I can say I wear a LOT is blue. So, I guess it makes sense. Plus, I love the look of a beautiful purple. I tend to gravitate toward this color a lot when I see purple polishes in the bottle. It’s also an easy color for me to wear. It generally makes me happy, and I feel like it goes well with my skin tone.


Zoya, Finely immediately popped into my head as a purple favorite. This polish is so bold and gorgeous. I love the bright tone of the purple in this base color. It has a slightly reddish undertone to it in some lights, and a slightly blue undertone in other lights. Or, maybe, that is my eyes playing tricks on me. I’m not sure. But there is also this scattering of holographic running throughout. This isn’t a polish that is as strongly, blindingly holographic as any of my indie polishes, but it looks so pretty in the sunlight. There is something about the color and this size of the glitter that work together perfectly. This is another polish that makes me feel really great about life when it is on my nails.


Zoya, Binx had to go onto my list of favorite purples. This polish is so pretty and fun and playful. I love the iridescent glitters. And I love the light, slightly warm tone of the base color. This was the first polish I purchased from the Bubbly collection. I bought it on a whim in Ulta, before I ever thought about how polishes come out in collections. I was such a naive polish-baby back then — ha, ha! It never occurred to me that there could be other polishes out there like this one, and I think this was my first experience with iridescent glitters, which have turned out to be one of my favorite things. I have since gathered almost all of the Bubbly polishes, but Binx remains my favorite.


And, rounding out my list of purple favorites is another rather new polish to my stash: A. England, The Most Happy. This polish fits its name perfectly, because it makes me the most happy when it’s on my nails. This is the most perfect, beautiful grape-toned polish ever. Ever! It is luscious and juicy on the nail. And there is just enough holographic to make things interesting. I love this color against my skin tone. This polish could even make me into a flat-out purple fangirl, just like I am for blues. Now that’s saying something!


Topic Tuesday is the brain child of Jodi from Jodi’s Polish. She is on YouTube and on Instagram, so be sure to check out her fun videos and beautiful IG posts! Every Tuesday of the month, there is a different nail-related topic. Anyone who wants to join in is welcome. If you decide to blog or vlog or IG your Topic Tuesday answer, be sure to use the special #topictues hashtag so people can find your post!

There is a Topic Tuesday page on Instagram (@TopicTuesdays). You can go there to check out past topics or upcoming topics. You can also suggest topics for upcoming months and vote for different ideas.

Here are the topics for May:

May 1: Fave mani you’ve done or worn.
May 8: First polish you would buy if you lost your entire collection.
May 15: Colors you have most of in your collection. Top 3 from each.
May 22: Polishes you regret buying.
May 29: Polishes you bought for the name.


And there you have it. The most-represented colors in my stash. I don’t suppose either of them come as much of a surprise. The overwhelming number of blues definitely wasn’t. Purple came as a little more of a surprise to me, but it also makes sense. I feel like it’s closely related to blue, and there are a lot of polishes that kind of mix those two colors together. I love me a good blurple!

I’m not sure what I have coming up for the rest of the week here on my blog. I have the newest Glam Polish Star Wars Trio. I want to share that, but I’m not happy with my swatch pictures. I am hoping the weather (and, thus, the natural light) will work in my favor tomorrow or the next day so that I can retake those pictures. If so, I might be able to share that trio this week. I’ll also have my usual week of nails post on Friday.


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