My May 2024 in Nails

Y’all! I am so close to catching up with my monthly manicure posts. I hesitate to put this thought out into the universe, because doing so will encourage the universe to make sure something pops up in my path to keep me from reaching my “catch up” goal. But … oh well. I’m just gonna celebrate my little victory at this moment. Huzzah!

I started out May with By Vanessa Molina, Fishnet Stockings.

This was a Polish Pickup purchase, and it is FABULOUS! I was looking forward to wearing this one, and it did not disappoint. I love the color shifts from the base, because they are murky and grungy, but also beautifully “sunset”-looking. And the flakes are so dang pretty. I love how vibrant they are against this base color.

My next manicure was with Painted Polish, Indigo Interlude.

I was in such a mood for a deep, dark polish. This one fit that need incredibly well. I love this color tone. It is dark, deep, and vampy. But it’s also beautifully colorful. I know, I know. It doesn’t make any sense, but that’s how I think about this one.

Next, I decided to get into a Summery sort of vibe with Zoya, Zelda.

I love the idea of corals, although I have not always loved the reality of corals on my own nails. This year, my heart is leaning more and more toward these types of bright tones, along with reds and bright pinks. I love these on shorter nails the most, which is the reason I’m currently sporting extremely short nails. (Yes, even shorter than in this swatch photo!)

Next, I wore Glam Polish, Life with you Could Never Be Boring.

Y’all!! This green!! O.M.Goodness, this green! I can’t even. Like, I can’t even find words to type about it. I look at this picture and just think about how much I freakin’ love this color. It’s so bright and fun and just … All The Things. I love it, and I loved wearing this polish, too.

Next, I wore Cadillacquer, Everlong.

I was so in the mood for my favorite blue after wearing a bright coral and a bright green. I had kept this one in my “need to wear it” stash for some time, just waiting for the right time. And that “right time” happened in May. I looooved this polish. I enjoyed wearing it and looking at it on my nails. So, so pretty.

My next manicure was with Noodles Nail Polish, Hygge Season.

I loooove the color combination for this polish. The pinks and coppers with all the blues hits my heart’s happy spot, for sure. This does give me a cozy sort of feeling that is perfect for Winter, but I felt like the colors could be appropriate for Spring and into Summer, too.

Next, I did some floral-themed stamping. This is Zoya, Zaria, stamped with China Glaze, Best Ponies Forever.

This ended up being a fun manicure. When I first did it, I wasn’t sure I liked it that much because the designs felt too “big” for my short nails. But, the longer I wore it, the more I enjoyed it. It was bright and fun and felt perfect for Spring into Summer.

My next manicure was Zoya, Hyacinth, topped with Quixotic Polich, Grounds for Hope.

Y’all are going to be seeing Grounds for Hope a LOT coming up. It’s a topper I’ve had in my stash for quite a while. And I love it. I happened to pull it out recently, and I’ve been putting it over All The Things. So, just keep this in mind as you see my monthly manicures post for June and into July/August — ha, ha!

This was such a pretty combination. I thought this topper was wonderful over the light pink. Hyacinth is such a sweet-toned color, and I felt like the color shifts on these flakes brought out all the pastels. So fun!

For my next manicure, I used Zoya, Cherri.

And I topped it with Quixotic Polish, Grounds for Hope.

Sadly, I did not remember to take a picture of this manicure. So, you will just have to imagine these two polishes together. And you will have to believe me that it was magical and magnificent and All The Things. I really enjoyed it!


So, that’s a “wrap” for my May 2024 in nails. It was a great nail month. I wore quite a few manicures, so I was happy with the number of manis I was able to do. And I wore quite a few that I really, really enjoyed. I don’t think there was a “dud” in the bunch — HUZZAH! I’m super happy that I rediscovered my love for Grounds for Hope, too. It’s been too long since I was able to enjoy the Quixotic Polishes in my stash.

What about all of you? What were you wearing and loving for the month of May? I would love to hear all about it!

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