My April 2024 in Nails

Hey, y’all! I’m back with a monthly nails/manicures post. This one is for April. Just when I think I am going to get all caught up on these, Life jumps in and tells me, “NOPE!” I think I need to come to terms with the fact that I’m one of those people who is going to run behind – always. But I have the best of intentions. That should count for something, right? Right!

April was a busy month. Work is always busy, as y’all know. My outside of work life was also busy. I started writing again, and I ended up putting a lot of time into that. I recently completed one project, and I’m planning for another one, which I hope to start soon. I love that I’m writing again, but y’all know that Mama struggles to find balance in her life. So, yeah. It’s a struggle, like always.

Anyhow, let’s look at the pretty nails I had during April. Because they were fun!

Colores de Carol, Dragon’s Blood.

Y’all … what an amazing way to start out the month of April. I was rocking some cute, little shorty almonds (which I have since filed way, way down), and this color was just All The Things. Seriously. I was instantly in lovey-lust with this polish. And it’s a red! What??!! This one was on my nails for two manicures, and it went onto my 2024 Favorites list.

This is a water marble with Zoya: Jordan, Tweedy, and Morgan.

I was so in the mood for a pink water marble, and this one turned out oh-so-nicely. I had a hard time finding polishes that I liked together, color-wise, and that also spread well together on the water. I ended up enjoying this combination so, so much. It reminded me of ribbon candy, and it made my Spring-seeking heart oh-so-happy!

Zoya, Adara.

Y’all!! This blue. O.M.Goodness. Just … be still, my beating heart. I love all the things about this polish. The blue is so, so, so blue. And the little flakes are so, so pretty and sparkly. This obviously went right onto my 2024 Favorites list.

Noodles Nail Polish, Beach Squad.

This polish is so pretty and perfect for both Summer and Spring. I loooove all the colors of glitter that are together in this polish, and the fact that the base is a soft and creamy white, instead of a stark white, is just the icing on the cake for me. This was such a fun manicure!

Zoya, Vixen.

After the pinks and the brights, I was ready for something deep, dark, moody, and a little bit goth. And this polish just hit all of those boxes in a perfect way. This is not an unusual polish in my stash. I have several across brands that are similar to this. And I love them all. This one is no exception.

Zoya, Bisoux.

My next manicure went back to the pastel side of things with this incredibly soft and sweet pink. This is just a blush of color, and the iridescent glitters are perfection in this polish. I enjoyed wearing this very much.

Zoya, Fleur.

This was a fun pink. It is vibrant but not eye-searing, and I found it an easy color to wear. With that said, I don’t think it’s anything necessarily special/spectacular. I have several pinks that are similar to this across brands in my stash.

This is a water marble with Orly: Indigo Skies, Field of Wonder, and Sunny Side Up.

This was a fun water marble, and I enjoyed wearing it. But, I have to admit that this did not turn out exactly the way I would have liked. I really wanted to see more of the green in here, and I wish I had been able to find a brighter red (maybe?) to use in this for an extra contrast or punch of color. Also, I felt like the green kind of put a sheen over the entire nail when I put the design onto them.

Orly, Sunny Side Up.

My next manicure was with Sunny Side Up on its own. This was a fun yellow. I like that it has a depth to it, like a darker yellow with some orange in the mix. It felt Summery and fun for me, and it hit that part of my heart that was so ready for bright polishes and warmer, sunny weather.

Orly Take Flight.

Remember how I mentioned I’ve been all about reds and pinks lately? Yep! I had to wear this one in a full manicure shortly after getting the collection. It’s such a nice red. I really like this particular color tone for a red. It’s not anything special, as I have others in my stash that are similar to this. But it is a fun color to wear.

Orly, Stratosphere.

Of course, I had to wear this polish. It was instantly my favorite from its collection. I loved the airy, “cloud” sort of look for this polish, and I enjoyed this manicure.

Zoya, Fleur (pink) and Noodles Nail Polish, Above the Clouds (blue).

This was a fun combination manicure. I don’t often do combo or skittles manis. There is something about not having the same polish on every nail that kind of nags at my brain. But it is fun sometimes. I liked this combination because of how cheerful and bright it is.


That’s a “wrap” for what I was wearing and loving during April. What about all of you? What were you wearing and enjoying during April? I would love to hear all about it!

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