Orly Spring 2024: Cloudscapes

Hey, y’all! I’m bopping back into the blog today with a lovely Orly collection. I think this is for Spring of 2024, but it may be intended as a Summer collection, too. Whatever the case, it is lovely and fun, so let’s take a look!

Field of Wonder is a pastel, somewhat grayed-out green with a (at least to me) a borderline “minty” look to it. (Sorry y’all. You’re going to have to live with my poor color descriptions in this post.) I thought this had a good formula. I had some issues with low spots on the first coat, and just a couple on a couple of nails on a second coat. So, you’re seeing 3 coats in my swatch photo. I’m calling this a 2-3 coater.

This polish feels fresh and fun. I like that it has some muted tones to it, which feels perfect for Spring. But it’s still kind of bright and a fun little pop of color. I think this polish would also work nicely for Winter. I mean, am I being a little “kooky-dooks” about this, or do you see a sort of “icy” undertone to this polish? I feel like I see it. I also think this would be so fun with some gold stamping or even some brown stamping. Oh! Or maybe in a gradient with a pretty brown, like a “mint chocolate chip” sort of thing. Y’all! The ideas! So many ideas …

Indigo Skies is … well, an indigo. That was easy, right? Yep – because the clue is in the name — ha, ha! I thought this polish had a nice formula. I had no issues with application on this polish, and I liked the opacity in 2 easy coats.

I really like the balance of blue and purple in this polish. You can’t go wrong with a nice “blurple”. I find it a great type of color for pretty much any time of the year. And this is a very nice “blurple”. It has a nicely strong color tone, but still manages to be vibrant. I felt like this pulled more blue in some lights and at some angles, and then more purple at others.

New Horizons is a muted “earthy” sort of orange. I feel like it looks much more “orange” in my photo, but it struck me as almost a terracotta sort of tone (but without the reds) in person. I also think it looks brighter in my photo than it did it real life. I liked this polish in 2-3 coats. You are seeing 3 in my swatch photo.

I like a nice orange. I feel like this polish looks pretty “juicy” in my photo, and also like a bright color. In person, as I mentioned, I felt like the brown tones stood out a little more to give this a muted look. But I felt like it still had a nice punch to it.

Stratosphere is a pastel, gray-toned, dusty blurple. Would you call this a cornflower blue? Or a cloud blue? Maybe? I liked the formula on this polish. These types of pastel blues are generally not super easy to apply. I had some issues with low spots on this polish, but I felt like it evened out nicely in 2-3 coats.

This was an instant favorite for me from the collection. It really does make me think of clouds and fluffy, Spring things. I love the balance of blue, purple, and gray in this polish. It has a very fresh and airy feeling to it for me. I would definitely wear this polish all year long. I think it’s perfect for Spring, but also for Winter. I feel like it’s less of a “Fall” or “Summer” type of color, but it would be a nice polish to wear for a change of pace during either of those seasons.

Sunny Side Up is an egg-yolk yellow with just a hint of orange/red shimmer. This has a decent formula. I had some issues with low spots, which is pretty typical for a yellow polish. But I liked the opacity in 3-4 coats.

This is a fun yellow! It’s bright, but it is also nicely deep. There is an orange or red shimmer to this polish, but it is so, so subtle. I felt like I could see it in the bottle fairly easily. When I had this polish on my nails, I couldn’t see the shimmer much at all. I feel like it deepens the yellow tone of the base color, but it really did not catch the light much. I wore this in a full manicure already, and I enjoyed it. For me, this is more of a Summer color, as I don’t wear yellows often, but, when I do wear them, it’s invariably during the hot Summer months. This is a fun polish to use with a topper, but also a fun base for nail art.

Take Flight is a youthful, bright red with pink undertones. In the bottle, this looks muted and somewhat dusty. But I found it brighter in person. This has a decent formula. I found it easy to apply, and I think it would be fine in 2 coats. I used 3 for my photo because I liked how it bumped up the color depth.

I have kind of been “all about” reds and pinks lately. Part of it is because I’m going through a phase of wearing my nails short — and I mean SHORT … like, with no free edge at all. I love a red on short nails. This is a lovely and fun red. I like that it has enough pink in it to seem vibrant, bright, and playful. But I like that it is still clearly red. I think this is a polish I will wear and enjoy.


That’s a “wrap” for Orly Cloudscapes. This was a fun collection, although I kind of feel like there are a couple of outliers in this collection. For me, Stratosphere and Field of Wonder seem more like “Spring” pastels, whereas the other polishes in this collection are brighter and more tuned-in for Summer. But, in the end, I think each of these polishes has something to bring to the table, and each polish is fun.

What about all of you? Did you get anything from the Cloudscapes collection? If so, what did you think of it? I would like to hear all about it!

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